

april 2002

splitsville and official word about london

thanks to truck for taking the time to let me know that they added a clip of a new elliott song on the official steve hanft site for his film southlander! so far there isnt much word about the song and if it has any connection to the new record but it for sure gives a possible clue what direction elliott might be going in. the clips is maybe 20 seconds long and is looped for the site. the song is one that automatically comes one when you click the soundtrack link. also if you visit the photogallery section, you can see a pic of elliott and steve. here is what truck wrote:

we added a clip of a new elliott song "splitsville" on the southlander site in the soundtrack section... make sure you have the flash mx plugin

thanks to philippe for letting me know that scott booker recently posted on the hellfire discussion board info about the recently canceled london show. here is what he said:

i'm sorry, i've been on the road and haven't had a moment to get online. it really comes down to this - this show was going to be quite an undertaking and we thought it could be done, but there simply isn't enough time to finish the record and get it out before the end of the year and work on this show at the same time. this show was going to be a very difficult process for elliott and being the perfectionist that he is, he just couldn't do both the show and finish the album. we're very sorry for the inconvenience, but elliott will be back on the road after the album comes out. i understand your frustration, i was looking forward to the show as well.

finally, just an update that im behind on emails and updating the site with new stuff. i hope email and add stuff as the week goes on. (4.17.02)

london show cancelled, goldenboy chat, jsbx and more

a few people were recently notified via mail that the upcoming july 11th show has now been cancelled due to "unforeseen circumstances." thanks to francois too for calling the royal festival hall for confirmation. i know a good number are bummed. i hope elliott will eventually will be there soon. anyway thanks to hugh, dunkan, aisha, and wendy.

thanks to silke for putting another goldenboy chat. this one will be this sunday at 4 p.m. u.s. pacific time. you might want to find a site that converts time zones get to the exact time in your area. the special guest this week is shon sullivan. the guitarist, vocals and songwriter for goldenboy. he also backed elliott on the last elliott tour on guitar and piano. last time, it was an open forum so you might get to ask some elliott related questions. anyway go here on sunday to chat!

thanks to elwin for sending this additional info about elliott's appearance on the new jon spencer record: i just read in the dutch magazine oor (ear) an interview with jon spencer and he mentioned that elliott appears on the new jon spencer record, he does some backing vocals on the song tore up & broke. i just downloaded the song and you can notice it's elliott at the end of the track.

finally, pitchfork and billboard recently added articles about elliott's work on the upcoming record. even though it was all scott booker, they were nice enough to give some nice credit too. anyway included in the articles is a listing of a few labels interested in signing elliott. among them are: kill rock stars, touch & go, and bongload. please go to pitchfork and billboard to read the article. also billboard says the record is done, but i can't confirm that. (4.13.02)

big album news, the goldenboy chat and my email

scott booker recently added some huge news about work elliott has done for the new record. scott got to hang out with elliott while l.a. and was nice enough to give us information about whats new. he is also planning to give additional thoughts when he returns from boston. here are some highlights of what he said, but if you want to read the whole post, please go here.

1. here is a listing of songs elliott recorded so far. im going to white it out in case some fans want to be surprised what songs might end up on the record. so please highlight the area after the : with your mouse to read the info. i also tried to match up fan titles to the real titles. some might not end up on the new record and titles can change: shooting star, a passing feeling, see you in heaven, (i'm) already somebody's baby, circuit rider, mr. goodmorning (version 1) - (just between us). let's get lost, little one, don't go down, brand new game, memory lane, dancing on the highway - (still here), the last hour, stickman, true love

2. scott hopes to add a mp3 of one of the new songs soon for us to check out.

3. elliott plays all of the music except drums on one of the tracks. the album most likely will be called - from a basement on the hill.

4. fond farewell master is lost. unknown if elliott will try to rerecord it.

5. the stuff at moments sounds like either/or and then turns around and rocks like nothing he's ever recorded before. :)

to followup last week's chat with david mcconnell from goldenboy, the chat was fun. we got ask david about goldenboy and found out he is working on the new alaska! record. i als got to ask a couple bad questions related to elliott. here is what he told me:

right now they are working on dont go down and it starts off acoustic and
then ends up capconiny (sp?) of sound.

dave's favorite song right now seems to be a tie: shooting star and a
passing feeling.

dave talked about how they wanted kenny g to play on the new record :)

see i told u they were bad. i felt guilty asking elliott related questions since it was a goldenboy chat so that was it. anyway just to let everyone know my email address will be different for 2 weeks. if anyone needs to email me, please do it here: yamato1@ix.netcom.com (4.6.02)